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This update is focused on what God did in my heart over the last 3 months of studying His Word. My next update will include the kind of work I have been and will be doing in the ministry of YWAM New Zealand.

When I think of a phrase to summarize the last 3 months, the first thing that comes to mind is the way God has been Pouring His spirit into me and Filling me to Overflowing. I’m very excited to share that I have graduated from YWAM’s Discipleship Bible School in Queenstown NZ! The last 3 months of my life have been unlike any other. The Word of God is powerful! My heart is burning with passion to study God’s Word and share with others the marvelous details tucked away within scripture, particularly details related to the meaning behind names and historical background to a story (those are some of my favorite things to study).  

 This past season has been one filled with preparation and favor. Throughout each week of DBS God was filling me up with the truth of who he is and the safety I can find in trusting him with every aspect of my life. Earlier this year as I started my journey with Jesus in NZ I was undone by the Father’s love as he pursued my heart during the Medical Compassion Discipleship Training School at Marine Reach. I spent many months this year uprooting old hurts, past regrets, and repetitive sins. It was a beautiful challenge that Papa (God) graciously walked me through. I’ve been amazed at the overflow of God’s spirit that has been working to equip me for the ministry he has called me to in NZ. DBS has been a time that God used to build a deep foundation in my spirit that would be unshakable in future seasons whether hardship/growth or joy.
 The heart of DBS is to equip students to understand the big picture of the Bible and God’s Redemptive Plan To Restore Our Relationship With Him. During the course of our study we learned about the history, context, literature, and intention/purpose behind each book. When you study the entire Bible over the course of 3 months it is impossible to cover everything (not that you can ever really cover it all since the bible is inexhaustible), but as students we are given the tools we need to search the scriptures for ourselves.  Part of our training is to take what we have learned with us into all the nations. Taking the word into all the nations is something I am extremely passionate about (I will share more about my plans to do just that in my next update).
This past weekend I was asked if I knew anything about the significance of Jesus turning water into wine (which is the first miracle He showed the world John 2:1-11).
I really hadn’t learned much about it so I decided to dig in and find out the meaning behind it. Once I started my research I found numerous Old and New Testament references and word pictures relating to this miracle. 

For example:
  • Wine is used to represent the blood of Jesus (Matt 26:26-29). 
  • Jesus made the wine within stone jars that were used for Jewish purification (John 2:6). So the very thing the Jews used to cleanse themselves Jesus fills with wine which is a picture of His blood cleansing us (Luke 22:20). 
  • We drink wine as a blessing. In Jewish culture, it was a representation of joy at a wedding.
  • Christ drank the cup of death so that we could enjoy the blessing of eternal life.
    (1 Cor 15:54, Matt 26:39)
The absolute genius of the architecture of the book of John and the clear continuity of the Holy Spirit to speak certain thought patterns and ideas throughout thousands of years of scripture and through many different authors is absolutely astounding. I spent numerous hours studying just this one miracle of Jesus. I would like to challenge you to take a passage of scripture that you are very familiar with and look into the deeper meaning of the small details or key words mentioned within the verse(s). I would love to hear what new things the Holy Spirit teaches you.                                                                                      
I hope this brief update has been a means of encouragement to you as my faithful supporters and as well as a point of accountability for me. There isn’t a day that goes by that I take for granted the blessing I have to be placed here in this ministry and all that God has been doing in and through me. THANK YOU!

Prayer Point:
Health – For the last 6 months I have been dealing with ongoing back pain that seems to have no particular cause. The pain has fluctuated throughout the months, but it has increased in recent weeks. I am looking to seek medical treatment. I would greatly appreciate your prayers for healing and medical wisdom. As well as financial blessing.  Any treatment I seek will be mostly out of pocket. As a missionary on a tight income this is another area I am trusting God to provide for. 

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